Friday, August 05, 2005

New Orleans: July 27-28

Flying Southwest Airlines to New Orleans was not one of the highlights of our trip to New Orleans. We didn't realize that we'd be at the end of the line for first-come-first-serve seating on a flight that originated from Hartford - - - ah, the stuff of which memories are made! After checking in at the Hyatt Regency and photographing our very urban view from the 26th floor, we decided we had time to walk to the river before our evening commitments. I'd never seen the mighty Mississippi and was eager to get a sense of this famous city of good food, old architecture, and jazz music. The way to see the city is on foot, but on a humid July afternoon it's also the way to become a pool of sweat!
Our second summer seminar began with lots of informal conversations before the start of the official program. I think that it's the interesting people we are privileged to meet and the sharing of common struggles and triumphs that warms our hearts at Advanced Bionics events. One dear gentleman emailed me the next day and said, "It was so refreshing to see someone like you, who had experienced the pain, discomfort, embarrassment, etc., come out a winner with the implant . . . . You are one of the big reasons that I'm following through with this surgery. You've made it a lot easier for me . . . . Thanks for your positive attitude and prayers. I'm dedicating this surgery to the ADAMS!! " Now, I ask you, who needs any greater reward!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Gerry has a little digital camera on his belt at all times, so he can snap a picture whenever and wherever. Thanks.