Dad's latest appointment with Dr. Nguyen on July 2nd was in a different office, so we dealt with new surroundings and different assistants and office staff. In the past, any new social setting would have meant anxiety and stress concerning potential hearing difficulties. It's so incredible to me that this does not even cross my mind any more!! Now I can just worry about my precious Dad!
The surgeon examined Dad's arm, checked his wrist pulse, pressed on the top of each fingernail, and said all the swelling, discoloration, and discomfort were "normal" after such a break. Now I ask you, does this look "normal" to you?
We are to return in two weeks for another set of x-rays to see if the separated bones are beginning to fuse properly. In the meantime, trying to flex the arm at the elbow (ouch!) should increase the blood circulation and help to reduce the swelling.
The healing pr
ocess can seem so slow when you're hurting day after day and new bruises keep appearing. We are encouraged by the small steps of progress, such as a little less swelling, an easier time getting up and down, and a good night’s sleep.