Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Testing out my localization skills

Localizing sound is something I get to re-learn now that I'm bilateral. The Grand Sierra Hotel in Reno had six elevators in the lobby area. What a golden opportunity to do some aural rehab every time we went up or come down from our room. I stood in the center, closed my eyes, and pointed to the "ding" of the arriving elevator. Observers, I'm sure, thought I was a bit "dingy".

How did I do? After 4 days, I was at 80% accuracy. Not bad for less than 2 months of surround sound, don't you think?


Abbie said...

LOL! I thought me and Jen was the only ones that was having fun with the elevators. I didn't know that they dinged at all. I thought they were rather quiet. I couldn't tell which way one was coming :)

You really have me excited about going bilateral next year!

Jennifer said...

Abbie and I have NO localization skills...we scrambled this way and that trying to figure out which elevator we were supposed to be on! It was hilarious!