Saturday, March 22, 2008

Can You Hear Me Now?

No one would ever describe our church, St. Andrew's Chapel, as contemporary in style. We don't have a plexiglass pulpit, large screen monitor, or "worship team" of electric guitars on stage to lead us in praise songs. There would never be a skit or mini-drama as part of the Sunday service, and no applauding after a soloist or choral piece. St. Andrew's is classical Reformation faith in practice, complete with formal robes, candles, and a string quartet. Gerry and I love the quiet reverence and emphasis on worship.

Why am I sharing all this? Because when my beloved pastor, Dr. R.C. Sproul, mounted the pulpit to begin his Good Friday sermon, he did something very uncharacteristic and the congregation responded in a manner I will never forget. Watching this short video clip always bring a tear to my eye and a catch in my throat:


Abbie said...

Oh! You got it! This is such a proud moment :) It was worth every bit of time that it took to post that!

Sheila said...

Thanks, Abbie. Gerry had to buy a software program to upload a DVD. Now . . . can you teach me how to add closed captioning?

Abbie said...

If you go over to and click on the Watch Demo link, it will show you how to add the captioning. It is a quick 90 second tutorial. :) I can't wait to see the captioning!